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EN1634 certificate European standard curtain of smoke draft curtain automatic smoke curtain smoke control fire curtains elevator smoke containment system

ANLIN fire & smoke Curtains provide the escape protection, meanwhile, it retracts into the ceiling when not in use, allowing an unobstructed open area.Automatic smoke curtain EN1634 certificate European standard elevator smoke containment system
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smoke draft curtainautomatic smoke curtainsmoke control fire curtainselevator smoke containment system2025 Smoke Curtain  Smoke Curtain 2025 Smoke Curtain System and Fire Rated Rolling Shutter Door_102025 Smoke Curtain System and Fire Rated Rolling Shutter Door_112025 Smoke Curtain System and Fire Rated Rolling Shutter Door_12ANLIN fire & smoke Curtains provide the escape protection, meanwhile, it retracts into the ceiling when not in use, allowing an unobstructed open area.Automatic smoke curtain  EN1634 certificate European standard elevator smoke containment system
